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Set Concept & Idea: Marvel Editing done by: Marvel
About Sweets
26 comments on “Sweets”
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Amount of Photos: | 100+ |
Video Length: | 14:51 |
Resolution: | 4k |
Marvel Admin says:
Please let us know your thoughts and feedback, we read it all!
Thank you for all of the Heidy support. ❤️
JJ says:
Just this short comment by you goes a long way with the supporters. It shows your involved in the conversation with us.
This is why I predicted the success of this venture. A first-time forum about Heidy’s modeling career where the clients can voice their opinions and the agency listens / responds. The results can be read here every week.
I’m still hoping for Heidy to chime-in.
Excellent work MARV,
sam1 says:
Heidy is so beautiful perfect
Set purchased
yuyure says:
Set purchased!
Looking forward to seeing my favorite candy!!!
This set looks great!
yuyure says:
This set is on another level!!
Marvel you have earned the sky with the idea and its edition.
Heidy looks gorgeous, being natural, flirtatious and daring.
The photographic set, maybe it’s the set with less photos until today but it’s great!
Wonderful close-ups of her ass, right on target! And those shots of her face are another wonder, Heidy looks incredibly beautiful, great job!
The video is a 10, a bomb! without a doubt the best video I’ve seen of Heidy and maybe also the longest, that natural light, those incredible transitions in the video that flow so naturally, that outtake so well embedded in the video, when you stop the music and hear Heidy’s laughter, that indication of “we’re done”….and Heidy looks powerful, daring, she enjoys it and we enjoy it, very hot poses, camera movements that will take you to the climax, the video is full of great moments.
There is something that feels different in this set, something that makes it special, without a doubt it is a must buy and a purchase that any fan will enjoy.
Excellent work And straight to the top!
Marvel Admin says:
Thank you very much! I hope we can make you just as happy next time.
Chad says:
I usually take the time to transfer video to hard drive on TV and watch Heidy in 4k on giant screen and in slow motion. No chance today, could not wait. The best and longest vid yet. My Heidy obsession will never go away, nor would i want it to. Keep up the great work
Don Thompson says:
Looks amazing. Usually get links in a half hour. Must be a popular set. Been 2 hours now. Will be worth the wait.
Ghost says:
I guess my initial feedback would be that there’s a disappointing timeline gap between photo 42 and photo 43 and at just 120 photos the photo set is the shortest yet and feels incomplete.
The video is better in this regard and felt complete but I was still left a little underwhelmed by the content.
The production quality on this site is much higher than on Heidy’s previous home’s (which is very appreciated) but she revealed a lot more there and I’m losing patience/interest. The potential is sky high, but the results are falling short.
Bradley says:
I was also disappointed by the timeline gap between those two photos. I loved the video, though. It was great length and thorough. And hearing Heidy giggle was a delight!
More longer, hotter videos like this would definitely be appreciated, but I tend to agree with you that the content is not living up to the potential here. Even her earlier sets here on Teen Marvel were more revealing. They haven’t had a “Best Seller” set since the Bar (which is still my favorite here on TM).
We all know the formula, more revealing = more sales. Please get back to pushing boundaries with Heidy, and we will definitely respond in kind.
Dios te bendiga Heidy ❤💙💛
Brandon Nichols says:
Sweetest of the sweets. Heidy you are the most incredible woman in the world
Imagi says:
Thank you for this set. It is really good. I liked that there was less editing and with fewer zooms. It seemed more natural. It looks a bit like a making of where we hear Heidy’s voice. Good idea and very good set of whipped cream sweets.
I’m hopeful that one day we can see a set of the same kind (less editing and more natural) or we could see Heidy dancing on different music.
Heidy is awesome and incredibly sexy.
I still think it would be interesting if in the description of the set we could have a comment from Heidy. Just a sentence, an anecdote or a tease.
Next week’s schedule looks good. I have never been so eager to see a car repaired.
Thanks again for listening to your fans.
Luca says:
Seen, revised and revised…
The photo shoot disappointed me a little.Not bad but no photos that made my heart beat faster.
The video is very beautiful and you enjoy watching it many times without ever getting tired….my rating is “10”.
For me the best work remains “Shower” and I can’t understand why it hasn’t become a “Best Seller” yet.
Many fans on these pages complain that Heidy is always too covered ….. then she is naked in the shower and they don’t buy …. boh …. strange things in life ….
Marvel Admin says:
Thank you! We checked for best seller, and it recently reached the threshold for this, as well as a few other sets.
JJ says:
Please enlighten us as to what your ‘stats’ are for a performance to reach Best-Seller threshold.
Brian says:
This is the best Heidy video ever. Whether is was a coincidence or not, I made suggestions, sort of a wish list when I bought last weeks video, and you guys gave me what I asked for.
The length of the video was great, but then again you could make a 10 hour Heidy video and I’d watch the whole thing.
Heidy is truly the most beautiful woman in the world, and after seeing this video, still the undisputed Queen of tease.
carter says:
damn thats too sweet for me you cant put candy on candy lol
she candy by herself but im just messing around cant wit to buy this😍😍
JayDubs says:
Oh yes! Heidy’s performance in this video is quite exceptional and she surprisingly exceeds my initial skeptical expectations. I love hearing her voice too in any language, and regardless of whether or not I understand what she is saying, it is an additional enticement to the senses. Other ambient sounds from her movements and less background music would also be very welcome. For myself, the experience would be further enhanced and made more personal.
There is no accounting for taste but this content certainly satisfies my sweet tooth. Thank you. As for other personal taste though, sorry, I am not enamored of those prolonged close-ups that exclude her beguiling facial expressions which I never want to be deprived of. Please!
If future videos achieve or surpass this level, I will be a continued and happy customer.
On another note, what are your thoughts on the possibility of a separate blog on the website? Comments and questions would be ongoing and viewed together rather than spread out across individual sets as they are now. More like a conversation especially if Heidy were to read and occasionally comment on them herself, which were that to happen, I am sure that customer engagement would prosper. Perhaps such feedback to her might even serve as a gentle influence over her creative direction.
Marvel Admin says:
Hi, thank you for your support and feedback!
Heidy already visits and reads your comments, and individual set comments help us determine which sets fans enjoy most. But we will always look for ways to make a more intertwined comment section and community. 🙂
JayDubs says:
All good to know. TY!
JJ says:
Hey Supporters,
New pic’ of Heidy today (Thursday 4/7/22) with lower-lip ring piercing.
Fake or Real ???
Pic’ is definitely retouched, so I’m leaning towards Fake. Oh, please I hope so !
What do you guys think,
Marvel Admin says:
Hi, yes it’s an instagram filter. It’s fake.
JJ says:
Thankyou for the clarification, I’m breathing again !
Your the BEST agency,
Thanks again,
Mike says:
This was my favourite video on this site so far. I have bought every single one. The one thing that stands out the most is that it had sections of the video that weren’t over cut and edited. It’s was just Heidy doing her thing.
Big Fan says:
Just purchased, I’d love to see it soon
Expecting says:
Can’t wait to see this one. Looks like it will be amazing.