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Set Concept & Idea: Photographer Editing done by: Photographer
About Heels
17 comments on “Heels”
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Amount of Photos: | 300+ |
Video Length: | 11:41 |
Resolution: | 4k |
yuyure says:
Friday, heels and a goddess! Excellent combination!
yuyure says:
The Heels set reminded me of the Business-Attire set for obvious reasons, same room, but the subtle change in her eye makeup, new earrings and accessories and especially that wonderful lingerie that makes Heels much, much superior is appreciated. to Business-Attire, in addition the Heels set will give a lot of play for those who enjoy photo and video editing…
A photographic set of 310 photos! Here there is quantity and quality! Heidy looks splendid and her figure looks amazing! that beautiful face and beautiful eyes fix their gaze on you while drawing such erotic positions and with that revealing lingerie! one ends up hypnotized with those sexy and hot photos, their sets become hotter and hotter and we all celebrate! And the best thing is that the queen keeps her essence intact, that something different that always made her special.
And the video? Well, the video is the best of the set!!! (I wanted to be able to say this!! hehehe)
The first thing I want to highlight is how incredible Heidy is, with an attitude and predisposition in the video that works wonderfully with the proposal.
The video is an erotic bomb, which will make you burn and you will end up with a fever! I don’t know how many times I paused or slowed it down to enjoy those hot moments, the number of wonderful caps that are made of the video is crazy! That lingerie, that fine and tiny thong makes Heidy involuntarily reveal part of the secrets of her wonderful anatomy.!…32 seconds of video and WTF!! you’re going crazy! But there are so many moments to enjoy in this video! Undoubtedly one of the best videos we’ve had of Heidy and it could lead the way in future videos…. because everything is in this video! There is more eroticism, more hot moments and there are those surprises or oversights that one so badly needs and enjoy! but at the same time Heidy maintains that essence that makes her unique, those are the ingredients for the formula, I know the balance is complicated, but Heels is the mirror in which future videos should be seen.
Seeing the proposals every Friday, one comes to the conclusion that Heidy is more beautiful than ever, at her best and in the best possible place.
Congratulations for the set and for the quality of your work, as I always say you are at another level,… you are at the top.
PS: Can we already declare the fine and tiny thong as an official garment on Heidy’s sets? Upvotes…everyone! Votes against?…..None!….the law is approved!!
pantso says:
To me, transparent thong is enough to make me buy it.
yuyure says:
You’re right, pantso, it’s almost like a mathematical rule where transparent thong results in immediate purchase!
sam1 says:
Friday Heidy time so sweet Heidy
David says:
Exquisite. Heidy is just exquisite in this set and video. Her incredible body in a super sexy outfit and her moveds and the camera angles are all perfect. And that tiny thong – what can I say – it’s tiny. Incredible views of her luscious behind. And thanks for the lightning fast delivery again. Heres hoping for another nipple glitter paint video like New Years. That would be awesome.
MKA says:
Oh god, this is top quality…. but i feel like the heels should be a bit different like needle heels and i miss stockings to go with those in combination. Other than that, great job and perfect lingerie selection. Well done!!
Ghost says:
Agreed, should have been narrower heels, or higher heels like in the Golden or Bar sets.
Don’t like the shoes, don’t like the necklace and the lingerie feels kinda old fashioned.
Combined, this outfit feels like something a mature woman would wear, which is a weird vibe.
I will take a look at the whole set before delivering a final verdict as I’m sure there’s lots to enjoy in it, but first impressions, this isn’t the style I hope to see for Heidy. Also, bring back the heels from the Bar set!
Ghost says:
After going through the full set, the lingerie is much cuter than it looks in the previews, so that’s a big plus.
Still don’t think the heels or necklace are great and do detract from the overall look.
Also, weird to have a heel themed set mostly take place on a bed. The great thing about heels is they accentuate Heidy’s legs. Better to put her in an environment where you can really show them off like the Golden or Bar sets if you’re going to put her in heels.
Overall, I did enjoy the set, and there’s some great slips and poses, so there’s a lot to like about it, just some weird choices take it down from a 10.
JJ says:
‘Hola’ Heidy,
To ‘coin’ a timeless compliment expressed to a woman – ” ! NICE SHOES ! “.
– you Go Girl !!!
Luca says:
I bought “Heels” after reading the positive review of friend “Covalsci” on another site.
I am really satisfied!
The photo shoot is monumental.Beautiful from the first to the last photo (Photo number 271 is a masterpiece of sensuality).
The 12 minutes of video are pure magic.You can’t take your eyes off and it takes your breath away.
The thong naturally highlights the perfect rear and the transparency of the front completes the game.
Heidy is the living example that somewhere a God exists.Thanks “Goddess” for all the emotions you are giving us.
Spike says:
just ordered, cant wait to see it
Brandon says:
one of best videos yet
TVB says:
To Heidy: you are very beautiful, and a wonderful model. You have taken your craft, and perfected the seductive look you give when you look back at the camera and give us that sexy smirk. I, and I’m sure many others, hope you enjoy your work, and continue to model for the fans
To the Photog: great idea and execution. Both the video and photo sets were great. Just when you think the video is going to be cut short, it just gets going for more. Of course you have an advantage of having such a beautiful model to execute your ideas. The look is great, as are the angles, and the outfit…nice touch that is see through and tiny in all the right places. I for one, would prefer the heels come off quick, but they were meant for the set.
To the peeps at Marvelcharm: thank you again for bringing Heidy to the site. She is wonderful, and the work she is putting out has been great so far. Of course, not every set is a winner, but this one for sure is.
Ok end of my long review. lol buy the set and support so we can continue to see her on this site.
Juere says:
Heels with Heidy look such style very nice and jewelry with hair really great also quality production location show variety looks. Opportunity more center check arch view maybe missing as show Heidy such generous spirit. Maybe to frame or video more sidewise move or rotate across also show coverage. Look forward encourage as well.
covalsci says:
After skipping 3 updates in a row I finally decided to buy this one. Even though I still enjoy many old updates, the thrill of seeing something new can’t be replaced easily. Fortunately transparent lingerie is always a good start so I didn’t hesitate too long.
I suppose photo set was nice and all but I am here for the videos, I need some movement :). I quite liked the video, not because the lingerie was very transparent or poses were very bold or slips were many, but because it was done with many full body shots. All those other things I mentioned are important but if most of the video is composed of close-up shots or camera moving through Heidy’s body, I can’t really get in the mood :). I want to see a sexy woman with face and legs and everything, not a headless torso or anonymous ass. And not only lying down, but also standing, walking, dancing, the more the merrier.
In general, I always envy guys who prefer photos, because we always get really nice shots of Heidy there. So many good views that would look perfect in video but were missing. Even in “Heels” there are many examples of such photos: 115, 120, 182, 222, 234, 307. These are only horizontal photos as I am sure similar shots could be done in the video. Don’t even get me started on vertical ones, but I understand those could be problematic. I suppose the reason why I like “Seductress” so much (and l like it more every time I watch it) is because it has many good full body shots. Just the opening shot of walking down the stairs already gets me going. Very sexy lingerie, nice lighting and poses also help :D.
Chris says:
Let me start out as I have just made my purchase. My big question is will Heidy ever do nude or top less? I personally would like to know, I have been following her for a very long time now and would like to see more.