About Happy New Year
47 comments on “Happy New Year”
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Amount of Photos: | 200+ |
Video Length: | 9:31 |
Resolution: | 4k |
Amount of Photos: | 200+ |
Video Length: | 9:31 |
Resolution: | 4k |
Marvel Admin says:
We wish you all a very happy holidays and new year. 🙂
We hope to be even better for you going forward!
Tim says:
To you as well! Looking forward to receiving this set and to see what you bring in 2022.
Tim says:
My order shows as “failed” but my credit card was charged. What do I do?
Marvel Admin says:
Send us an e-mail at the contact page please. Any failed orders will bounce back to your bank depending on how fast they process things.
JJ says:
Thankyou Marvel Admin and a ” ! HEALTHY NEW YEAR ! ” to you.
Also, ” ! FELIZ ANO NUEVO ! ” to Heidy.
Oh, by the way, how about giving us at least a first name to respond to like Jane at Marvel or John at Marvel.
‘Marvel Admin’ is just too robotic.
Jus’ sayin,
MHS says:
Is she wearing pasties the entire set?
Marvel Admin says:
There’s no pasties, it’s paint / glitter.
roberto says:
Why blur it, if it’s pasties the whole time? Makes people thinks it might be full topless. 🙁
Marvel Admin says:
There are no pasties, you can see them but they’re just a different color with glitter. 🙂
pantso says:
This is exactly what I thought when I watch the set and the video..a bit disappointed after all. But I hope the following ones are more reveailing. Happy New Year, keep the good job and we will keep supporting Heidy!
griffen says:
okay we’ll see. hope new year good for all..
Andrés says:
I have a major American credit card from a large US bank, and I can never buy your sets. Is there any company that you recommend?
Marvel Admin says:
Contact us through e-mail and we can probably tell you the exact issue. 🙂
Chad says:
Heidy is an angel. Glad to see her videos being protected, you guys are doing great job. 2022 let’s get naughtier
Marvel Admin says:
Thank you very much.
Don Thompson says:
Wow. That is the hottest video from Heidy since her glitter paint video on her original site 5 years ago. Love you Heidy and thanks to Marval for bring such a territic set and video.
Marvel Admin says:
That is high praise, thank you very much. 🙂
yuyure says:
Happy 2022! And my best wishes to everyone who is part of this wonderful project!
PS: The set I ordered yesterday did not arrive … I imagine these days are complicated.
Marvel Admin says:
You should have it now. Sorry for the delay.
yuyure says:
All perfect!.
The set is sooooo sexy !!!
This 2022 Heidy can cause a lot of heart attacks !!
Ju says:
Finally we discover the magnificent chest of Heidy …Finally we discover the magnificent chest of Heidy …
D says:
Can’t wait to see this, hope it doesn’t take as long to get my order this time!
Roberto says:
hope new year good for Heidy !!!
Logan says:
I assume it is because of the holidays, but I ordered the set 6 hours ago and nothing yet. All the others I ordered were completed within 30 min. Just curious when i will get the links 🙂
Marvel Admin says:
I have fixed your issue. 🙂
Leo says:
As i read the comments, i thought it wouldn’t happen to me cause last time i got my order filled real quick. But now it’s been hours. When is my order going to be filled?
Marvel Admin says:
Your order is filled now.
Will says:
Heidy is the best at what she does, and now I am convinced that TeenMarvel is the best at what it does. This video is absolutely the most provocative she has done- a credit to her, and to you. It was filmed beautifully, carefully, allowing us to linger on various places. Well done! Looking forward to what lies ahead here.
Marvel Admin says:
Thank you, we try our best! 🙂
Alex says:
Hello my order from last night still shows canceled.
Marvel Admin says:
Hello, all fixed now.
Luca says:
purchased now. I wait patiently. thank you.
Elliott says:
I still have not received my order, but it is all I can think about! I don’t wanna wait!
Markus says:
but payment is done
will the order be automatically processed and completed in some time and do i have to wait a few days longer until order processing is completed ?
Marvel Admin says:
Hi, all fixed now.
Luca says:
Only 2 words: ABSOLUTE GODDESS!!!
Thanks to all the staff for the wonderful job you are doing.
Claude says:
i follow Heidy since her first videos and photo shoots years ago.
Since i don’t want, absolutely, to throw my money away i have a simple question for you…the teenmarvel team:
In ALL your Heidy’s videos and photoshoots: tits and pussy are clearly showed?
Or it is the usual very boring teasing videos and photo shoots and nothing else?
I recommend maximum sincerity and clarity in your answer.
Many thanks in advance.
Marvel Admin says:
No, she is a tease model. Our previews you see here show what you are buying. If you do not like what you see, do not buy!
Claude says:
I wonder why you have written an exclamation point in the end…
…As you were annoyed by what i had written.
Anyway: thank you very much for having published my comment and for having answered me.
Simply i had made that comment because i thought (or at least i hoped) that what shown in the brief video previews and pic previews was NOT all i could see inside the full videos and full photo shoots.
In any case i cannot exclude that, perhaps, i will buy one of your Heidy products in the future.
But i keep continue to think, and this is obviously my personal opinion, that Heidy is loosing her time and much much money not doing the ”last step” in this kind of job. She is in the flower of her years and of her beauty…what a pity.
At least i really really hope that she will NEVER ruin her amazing body doing irreversible comestic surgeries (breast, face…and so on). And if she will maintain herself 100% natural she will remain a true beauty even when she will turn 30, 40 or 50 years of age. I at least hope she will decide to make the ”last step”, i have mentioned here above, within some years.
Please: tell her to remain natural at 100% forever.
In this regard it would be amazing if she, also, left her middle body part 100% natural (very hairy).
Probably you even don’t imagine how many users, me for the first, would buy videos or photo shoots were
she shows her bush fully natural. She would sell hundreds of thousand of videos and photo shoots.
And consequently, speaking about very material and concrete things, she would make really a lot of money.
I repeat: what a pity all this waste…
For her and for us users.
I would really appreciate if you will publish also this my comment and will answer me with accuracy.
Many thanks in any case.
P.S.: the very best would be if you would let Heidy read this my comment directly.
Marvel Admin says:
Hi, thanks for your message. Not annoyed, just want to make the statement a little more clear.
This is Heidy’s website. It’s her rules. She will shoot how she wants. Her job is to be a model, not show you exactly what you want, or whatever last step you want to see. There is no joy from your job if you do things you don’t want to do. She will take advice and photo shoot ideas, but in the end it will be done how she wants. I don’t think you have anything to worry about in regards to being 100% natural.
Claude says:
Thanks again for your answer.
Ok…i have understood. But i don’t loose the hope to see, a day in the future, what i would like to see.
For the rest: you (Heidy?) writes: ” I don’t think you have anything to worry about in regards to being 100% natural. ”.
I really really hope that will be so.
It would be an absolute irreversible offense/crime towards a masterpiece of Mother Nature.
Mike says:
Heidy is perfect! This set is incredible and my favourite from her new site. I’ve collected ever single piece of work she has done over the last decade, or everything I know of anyway. Really glad to see her with her own site again! Keep up the great work, I look forward to every release.
Diego Linares says:
When will they send the content that I pay for?
Ed says:
Purchased and can’t wait to see it!
Btw, how long does the verification process take?
Marvel Admin says:
Hi, it takes a few hours usually. We process them ASAP.
Ed says:
It took almost 12 hrs but Heidy is worth the wait.
I do have a few suggestions for improvement.
1. Please have a heater nearby. Your star has goosebumps in many of the pics.
2. Idk if you have auto focus on or what, but it is mostly focused on Heidy’s face. She is beautiful yes, but she also has the curves of a Goddess. I suggest on pics with more depth, to take 2 photos with different depths, especially if you are using a lense with a large aperture for that depth.
3. Considering other colors of glitter for the future as well. We won’t mind a pink or yellow glitter set for a different occasion :).
Overall great set! Spectacular model. Thank you Heidy!
Big fan says:
Can’t wait for my link! First time buyer since her old website disappeared 🙂